Wednesday, February 17, 2010

'Top English football club planning to buy IPL team'

Indian Premier League commissioner Lalit Modi has claimed that a top English football club is planning to bid for an IPL team but the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea have denied any such interest.

"There is a very famous football club in the UK very interested in bidding. (They are) probably one of the most famous football clubs ? probably top three. They are interested in taking a stake," Modi told 'The Times'.

Manchester United quickly clarified that they were not keen on any such move while Chelsea's name was shot down by Modi himself.

The likes of Liverpool and Arsenal are in debt and unsure about their long-term ownership, ruling out any such move from them. Manchester City, a club acquired by Gulf-based owners, may be interested but a team official denied that Modi could be referring to them.

1 comment:

  1. Of the four clubs mentioned here. only arsenal are not in debt. man utd and liverpool are in huge debts.chelsea saw off much of its debts thanks to roman, but they still are in debts. and lastly the amount of money generated from IPL is miniscule to the revenues these football clubs generate. at least for now. maybe things will change in the future when IPL will be played round the year.
